Hello Michael,
In this mail I will argue that 11:09 have won some traction in Denmark. But I will also try to give what you asked for.
Most easily you can find 11:09 in use if you uploade Karl Aage Jensen on youtube ("femårsprognose") giving his 5 year prognosis on Denmark 2008-13. The speech is in danish but his "Constitution - time" is delivered in print on the screen.
Adrian Ross Duncan is a british astrologer who has lived here in Denmark for many years. He regurely writes some rather good mundane astrology articles about international and global events. On some occasions he writes about Denmark as well. In this piece, unfortunately also in danish, he makes some points around the 2006 Muhammed Cartoon crises and our foreign relations. The 1864 war with Germany was a major loss. One third of the country, Slesvig-Holstein, was lost for many years after. Adrian Duncan says that happened when a progressiv new moon on 29 Gemini was in sextil to Pluto and the progressiv Mars was exactly conjunct Uranus. 9 april 1940 progressiv Mars was exactly conjunct the Sun. Progressiv Moon had just entered Aries and stood on the 8 house cusp. The 2006 Cartoon crisis Duncan relates to transit Uranus in square to the Moon and conjunct the Descendant.
You can find his article here;
You will see Duncan referes to Karl Aage Jensen for his 11:09 time in the notes. If you want contact Adrian Duncan. Here is his mailadress;
Though originally it seems to be danish astrologer Paul Mahler Dam who suggested 11:15. Paul Mahler Dam is a very well known astrologer in Denmark. His books of astrology can be found in just about every libary in the country. My reference to him came from a dialoge on the danish astrology discussiongroup "astrologyforum". It happened also in early 2006 during the Cartoon crisis. You can find the whole discussion here;
but the important part is this;
(I will try to translate afterwards)
(It is written monday, february 6 2006)
"Du kan have fuldstændig ret, Karsten ... godt ræssoneret ... for Paul Mahler Dam skrev i Stjernerne et par læserbreve om Danmarkshoroskopet. I nummer 1/2001 skriver han [citat]:
"Tiden finder vi i det Kgl. Biblioteks arkiver, nærmere betegnet Statsrådets Forhandlinger 1848-63 II. Der kan man fra "Mødet i Statsrådet, Tirsdag d. 5. Juni 1849, kl. 11.00 (lokal tid)" læse følgende:
1849. Tirsdagen den 5te Juni, Formiddag Kl. 11 var Statsrådet samlet under Hans Majestæts Allerhøieste Præsidium. Protocollen førtes på sædvanlig måde.
Hans Majestæt gav Grundloven sin Allerhøieste Underskrift, hvilken contrasigneredes af samtlige Ministre. Hvorefter Hans Majestæt med samtlige ministre begav sig til Rigsforsamlingen for at opløse den."
Mødet fandt således sted kl. 11.00 - og til beregning af horoskopet, skal vi anvende den lokale zonetid 00.50 Ø, eftersom CET (den Central Europæiske tid, dvs. zonetid 01.00 Ø) først blev indført den 1. januar 1894.
Det, der nok har skabt lidt forvirring gennem årene, er, at der den 5. juni 1849 ikke kun var tale om ét men derimod to møder: Et Statrådsmøde og et Slutningsmøde. Statrådsmødet (beskrevet ovenfor) fandt sted kl. 11.00 lokaltid, og her finder den egentlige underskrift af Grundloven sted. Først herefter begiver man sig til Slutningsmødet i Rigsforsamlingen, hvor kongen opløser forsamlingen." [citat slut]
Så ENTEN har Nic haft ukendskab til indførelsen af zonetid i Danmark (som du antager), ELLER Nic har haft ukendskab til dansk statsprocedure, så han har forvekslet tiden for slutningsmødet, hvor Rigsforsamlingen opløses, med tiden for Statsrådets vedtagelse af Grundloven.
Uanset hvori fejlen ligger, så er 12:15-horoskopet forkert.
Adskillige astrologers korrektion efter begivenheder har ført til tiden 11:15 [undertiden ses 11:16 og 11:18] som den vedtagne fødselstid for Danmark som demokratisk nation. Sagen skulle dermed være afgjort. Morale: Man skal ikke tro på alt, der siges og skrives.
My translation;
"You migth be absolutely right Karsten....well thougt... because Paul Mahler Dam wrote in Stjernerne(danish magazine of astrology. My note) a couple of letters to the editor on the Denmark Chart. In nr 1/2001 he writes (citation):
" The time we find in the Royal Liberays archives, more specific Minutes of the State Council 1848-63 II. From there you have the following: headline "Meeting in the State Council, tuesday, june 5 1848, 11:00 am (local time) Underneath that read:
"1848. Tuesday june 5. In the morning 11:00 am, the State Council was convened under His Majestys supreme leadership. The protocol was made in the usual way.
His Majesty gave his supreme signature to the Constitution which was contrasigned by all the ministers. Hereafter His Majesty with all of the ministers went to the national (constitutional - my note) assembly to dissolve it."
So the meeting was at 11:00 am - and to calculate the Chart we need to use the local zonetime 00.50 East because CET (central european time, that means zonetime 01.00 East) only came about from the 1 of january 1894.
That, which may well have made some confusion over the years, is, there was not only one but actually two meetings: one statecouncil meeting and a final meeting. The meeting of the Statecouncil (as described above) happened at 11:00 am. It was here the actual signing of the Constitution occurred. Only hereafter people went to the final meeting of the national assembly in which the king dissolved the same (national assembly)."(citation ends)
So either Nic (Champion) didn´t know of the implementation of zonetime in Denmark (as you suspect) or Nic didn´t know of formal procedures of the danish state. He migth have confused the time of the final meeting of the dissolved national assembly with the time of the Statecouncil meeting that adopted the Constitution.
No matter what the problem is, the 12:15 chart is wrong.
Several astrologers rectification made according to events points to 11:15 (sometimes you will see 11:16 and 11:18) as the common acknowledged birth time for Denmark as a democratic nation. The case skould here by be closed. Moral: (or morality not sure)you should not believe in everything that is said and written.
/Claus (translation ends)
Claus, that is Claus Houlberg, who also is a well known astrologer and astrology writer in Denmark.
(and maybe you can´t believe in everything he writes and says either)
If you want to contact Paul Mahler Dam I can´t tell you of any e-mail. But I know he is on Facebook if that is of any help. You could goe though his son Sigvard Mahler Dam, and yes, also a wellknown danish astrologer, who have his own website.
Best wishes Uffe Meulengracht